I expect Gorby’s piece was shared on various platforms before it was labelled satire. Once fake news takes root mix ups happen.
Cedar’s work is on the whole excellent. A longtime friend of mine recently woke up to ttatt because of his videos.
sorry guys,.
the gorby satire fake report of the annual meeting with the coincidence about russia, is used for real in john cedars yt channel.. please concider it for well prepared satire.. and not much more.. g..
I expect Gorby’s piece was shared on various platforms before it was labelled satire. Once fake news takes root mix ups happen.
Cedar’s work is on the whole excellent. A longtime friend of mine recently woke up to ttatt because of his videos.
hi folks, i’m attending the london protest at the excel convention in august and am making some banners.
i’m aiming for short but memorable sentences that will stick in jws minds and also make them laugh a little at their own organisation.. my best so far is ‘this is not a protest, it’s an overlapping protest’.
has anyone got any ideas for more?.
“ wink twice if you’ve woken up”
there have been many tv programs all the way back to candid camera which set people up for pranks.
it was all in good fun and the results were shown only if a legal release was signed allowing the prank to be broadcast.getting permission after-the-fact was essential, otherwise, you've wasted your efforts.ahhhh, but what about public figures who are legally exempted from the necessary "permission" form agreement?is an ambush set-up fair or even ethical?the answer we give depends on how much we love or hate the victim!if we really, really dislike certain public figures there's a tendency to want to see them embarrassed and exposed as buffoons, idiots, hypocrites, and fools.on the other hand, consider this.
in a nation as divided as is america along color lines, political factions, and social "correctness" concerns--are we lighting a fuse by going too far?____why am i asking this question?i watched this preview and found myself torn.
Observe the great comedian expose the Unbelievable ignorance exsisting in middle American trump heartlands like no commentator possibly could.
his city seems pretty dangerous especially since he has taken over and of course he just loves trump.
lol .
But blaming the mainstream Muslims because of the brainwashed radicals is not the right way forward. More Muslims are dead because of radical Islam than any other group. And let us not forget the uncomfortable truth that western policy in the Middle East; the illegal Iraq war, the bombing campaign that destabilised Asssad and incubated isis, are responsible for hundreds of thousands of Muslim deaths.
The mayor is a mainstream peaceful Muslim.
Simon your quote of him above should be read in context. https://www.theguardian.com/australia-news/2017/mar/29/misleading-qa-question-on-sadiq-khan-should-have-been-corrected-abc-admits
his city seems pretty dangerous especially since he has taken over and of course he just loves trump.
lol .
I doubt any London mayor has been discussed on this forum with such interest before. The only reason this one is being discussed is because he is a Muslim.
The British have lived side by side with Muslim communities for many decades- in peace. The current climate of hatred against Muslims will not lead to anything good certainly not a fair and just society.
The level of paranoia in the minds of Adolf Trumps brainwashed followers is unbelievable. - that was for blownaway.
It would be sadly ironic if this anger and fear against Muslims is itself what leads to violance among communities.
We have nothing to fear except fear itself. - someone famous said that.
this is a really long article about the film apostasy and interview with the director about his story and how he came to make the film.
apostasy director: ‘it was liberating to leave the jehovah’s witnesses’.
I’m off to see it on Thursday in Bristol, England. There is a q and a after the show with the producer. Initially, I wasn’t interested simply because I wanna try and forget about the cult but there is SO much interest in the xdub community locally that I decided to go along with a group.
just curious.. when you started to wake up to the truth about the truth, did the shock and the whole experience distract you from your usual activities such as performing at your place of work?.
did you become so consumed by researching, and the subsequent factual discoveries, that it affected your ability to carry out daily tasks?.
It is all consuming..those first months after waking up. I could think of little else. Shall we call it pcsd? Post cult stress disorder.
On the other hand after that stage of the recovery process I gave my business some real focus, working harder and longer without all the washtowel distractions. I realised it is a positive thing; not negative, to try and improve our material outlook.
i'm writing for some advice from former jws.
my family is christian, and my 15yo daughter is "dating" a jw boy.
(the quotes are because they aren't old enough to actually go out on dates... they consider themselves bf/gf and have hung out and gone places with each other, but always with parents, family, etc.
Hello to you.
You are right to be concerned. Jehovah’s Witnesses are a high control cult, the leadership is continuously grooming its members to dedicate their lives to the group and seeks to manipulate each and every aspect of a members life to achieve this.
The group uses personal ‘bible studies’, magazines, books, meetings, videos and so on to indoctrinate/brainwash individuals. Within this cult indoctrination material the group use the FOG model. Narcissistically using fear, obligation and guilt to to achieve its ends- to control the life of a person, ruthlessly breaking up families if necessary.
It’s a difficult job you have on your hands since love can be blind. But you must forewarn your daughter of the dangers of JWs. JWfacts.com is a good place to start.
hi folks, i’m attending the london protest at the excel convention in august and am making some banners.
i’m aiming for short but memorable sentences that will stick in jws minds and also make them laugh a little at their own organisation.. my best so far is ‘this is not a protest, it’s an overlapping protest’.
has anyone got any ideas for more?.
Impossible math trivia
1 generation + 1 generation = ??